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New Year, New Vows?

>> Saturday, January 1, 2011

I suck in making and keeping New Year’s resolutions, so I didn’t bother to have one this year. At least not right away in January. Like most people, I wanted to improve in some areas of my life and get rid of some habits I deemed unhealthy. For instance, I wanted to lose some pounds that have been accumulating in my midsection by eating right and exercising regularly. I’m a fan of Dr. Oz’s show and I’m a great believer of a healthy lifestyle equals peace of mind. A lot of women I know are more concerned about their figure and slower metabolism especially over age 30. I have joined the club. Losing weight is a very attractive possibility but in order to get there, I have to be determined and map out a workable plan that fits my lifestyle and schedule. However, I am not going to pressure myself to do it a day after the new year starts, like most people do. I have to find the perfect time when I am most confident and ready to start the change. It works best for me this way. 

How about you? What are your new year’s resolutions? How do you plan to accomplish them?


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