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My First WordPress Blog

>> Sunday, January 23, 2011

After being convinced by a professional blogger, I decided to create my first Wordpress blog in a hosted site and in my own domain name. Of course, I have to buy a domain name for $9.10 a year (coupon code applied) from, and sign up for website hosting at for about $95 annually. I like the fact that with the web host plan I chose, I have unlimited space and unlimited number of domains I can use. I have in mind to monetize the blog in the coming months as soon as I build up enough content, and build more niche blogs all in the same web host service.

I was ecstatic when I started initially but I have difficulty in handling the programming part of the blog. I have no idea what CSS, RSS, etc. means, and then I realized I have more work to do studying about this whole WordPress blogging thing. I thought it's easy as blogging in Google's Blogger (the platform I'm familiar and comfortable with), but I have never anticipated I am going to face these challenges. My blog looks presentable so far and I am in the process of learning and studying more coding and designing.

My Filipina in America Blog, is an extension of this personal blog with more focus on married Filipinas living in the United States. Feel free to check it out, and if you like the contents, please subscribe to my feeds.

If you plan to buy a unique domain name for your blog or website, check for options. You may also consider Hostgator to host your blog/website at an affordable price. Choose the type of plan that fits your budget.

Happy blogging!

Pinakbet for Dinner, So Yummy!

>> Thursday, January 13, 2011

At last, I was able to cook “Pinakbet” today. Thanks to my dear husband, who painstakingly went over my list and miraculously got everything I wanted from the Asian store. He used to get the wrong item I put on the list. Either because some words are not in English (items such as miswa, patis, datu puti suka,etc.) or my handwriting is not that good (which is partly true :-)).

Since I got two kids, I rarely went out grocery shopping with family, so my other half became responsible for the task. He is actually quite good at it, and able to get most of the things fast and efficiently. So today before heading out to the store, I made the grocery list and explained to him the items I wanted him to get. I even use his phone to photograph the products just to make sure he got the right stuff!

When he came home, I was so delighted he got the right squash (kalabasa)!By using mental picture of what I told him, he was able to get the right vegetable. “Get a squash that looks like a pumpkin but green on the outside. Not the yellow squash that looks like a zucchini”. I applauded him for this technique! The same thing goes with the okra, eggplant, and the rest of the ingredients to make “pinakbet”. Thanks for his ingenuity; I got every ingredient I needed. I was craving to eat this Filipino dish for so long that I couldn’t wait to cook and made a hearty meal for myself.

Pinakbet” or “pakbet” is a Filipino dish consisting of meat and vegetables. My version of “pinakbet” has pork, salted shrimp fry (bagoong), yellow squash (kalabasa), okra, eggplant, and bitter melon (“ampalaya”).

So my wish was granted and I feel happy! I had my delicious “pinakbet” for dinner with generous serving of rice. Once in a while I love to spoil myself by eating more than a cup of rice when I have something scrumptious to go with it (Filipino meat or veggie dishes, of course!) While at the table, I contemplated how lucky I am to be able to access some of my favorite foods I love to eat in Philippines. Although the prices of the ingredients are a little bit expensive in the US, I’m still thankful that somehow they are available. Each time I eat foods that remind me as a Filipino, my heart swells with pride because they are part of who I am. I don’t mind much how “stinky” some ingredients are to others (thankfully my honey doesn’t mind much, although he loves to tease me once in a while), as long as they taste good, I am  contented.

So here's the veggie dish I am talking about. :-)

Missing the Bayanihan Spirit

>> Sunday, January 2, 2011

The lack of sleep is wearing me out. For days since Christmas, I didn’t have enough rest and sleep. The demands of taking care of the family and finding time for myself seem very hard to juggle. How I wish I am living with my family in Cebu! I know I will always have help 24/7. With a big family there and lots of hands to offer help, I’ll be greatly relieved!

Three years living in America with only my husband to share in the household duties, life is always hectic. The thing that really frustrates me is that no other person is there to assist. I miss the Filipino way of life where everyone in your family—even your neighbors—are willing to be there for you. I remember a cousin who was about to give birth (most women in the Philippines go through home birth) and everyone in the neighborhood came to her house to help out in any way. One boiled water to be used during birth and delivery, some tidied up the place, another one cooked something to eat, while others were simply there to cheer her up. Everyone is involved and share in the experience. What a wonderful example of the bayanihan spirit! It’s that unique Filipino quality that is simply admirable and which I miss so much.

Before I decided to live in the US, I’ve read about the typical life in this country. I thought I have understood everything until I actually experienced it. Here, I have to be independent, self-reliant, and productive. It’s good in a way but sometimes it can be very exhausting. And it can be lonely sometimes, too. It’s a relief to have other people help out when I feel too tired to do something. Let somebody do the cooking or the laundry or babysitting, while I relax without worrying about those things. Ah, it’s true that you won’t realize the value of something until you actually miss it. I just feel it today.

New Year, New Vows?

>> Saturday, January 1, 2011

I suck in making and keeping New Year’s resolutions, so I didn’t bother to have one this year. At least not right away in January. Like most people, I wanted to improve in some areas of my life and get rid of some habits I deemed unhealthy. For instance, I wanted to lose some pounds that have been accumulating in my midsection by eating right and exercising regularly. I’m a fan of Dr. Oz’s show and I’m a great believer of a healthy lifestyle equals peace of mind. A lot of women I know are more concerned about their figure and slower metabolism especially over age 30. I have joined the club. Losing weight is a very attractive possibility but in order to get there, I have to be determined and map out a workable plan that fits my lifestyle and schedule. However, I am not going to pressure myself to do it a day after the new year starts, like most people do. I have to find the perfect time when I am most confident and ready to start the change. It works best for me this way. 

How about you? What are your new year’s resolutions? How do you plan to accomplish them?

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